I am thrilled to be able to offer you the gift of hypnotherapy.
It’s such a powerful modality to help you to break through old negative patterns, change limiting beliefs, which means that you can go on to living an even more fulfilled life.
Hypnosis is a relaxed, receptive state. In this state of heightened suggestibility the unconscious mind moves to the foreground and the conscious mind recedes, thus allowing positive and empowering beliefs to become a part of your everyday thinking.
It’s a fantastic modality to help overcome bad habits, so whether you want to stop biting your nails, stop over eating or you feel stuck in a particular area of your life, this may be the solution for you. It has proven to be an excellent tool to help my clients stop smoking and for other addictions.
I am so excited to offer my weight loss clients, the opportunity to experience the Sheila Granger (internationally renowned hypnotherapist) Virtual Gastric Band procedure. I’m always looking for innovative ways to help my clients achieve their weight loss goals easily and effectively and this hypnotic approach to healthy eating has been invaluable.
This non- surgical technique uses the power of hypnosis to retrain you to be satisfied with smaller food portions. Hypnotherapy convinces your subconscious mind that your stomach is full after a smaller amount of food and there is no desire to eat more.
A hypnotic virtual gastric band is like “flicking a switch in your brain”, changing your attitude towards food and helping you regain control over previous bad habits and food cravings. So, through hypnosis, your willpower increases and there is no feeling of food deprivation, which is liberating and exciting!
The best bit is that it is easy to go into hypnosis.
Understandably if you, like a lot of my new clients, are initially nervous that you may not be able to be hypnotized, I will guide you through the process and you will see how easy and natural it is. Through out the whole session, you are in complete control, and I cannot make you do or say anything that you would not want to. I work with you and together we come up with powerful hypnotic suggestions that I will use in your sessions that will help dramatically improve your way of thinking.
If you are still unclear about what hypnotherapy is, here is another way of explaining it.
It is a means of hacking into the REM state (which occurs during ¼ of our time when we are asleep). We go into the REM state every night and it processes emotionally charged material from the day that has not been resolved. Hypnosis is a means of getting into the REM state when the person is austensibly wide awake and it enables powerful hypnotic suggestions to be accepted by your unconscious mind, without the over- analytical conscious mind getting in the way. Simple!